
Sunday, 24 June 2012

Giant balls of Death...

Please do not take the title of this post in the wrong way, pick up what remains of your minds from the gutter and read on...

Before I get to the Albi-Business...I am going to have a rant.
A Grammar rant.

Calm down Kitty- I'll get there.

Here is a selection of words that appear to puzzle the select few:

Here is a statement combining all of these words- And also my frustration with the world.

I blame the fact YOU'RE unable to comprehend correct grammar on YOUR education, but mainly I just blame the parents, THEY'RE the reason you can sit THERE and think what YOU'RE saying is correct. Then you get people like me, who have to read these errors and bite THEIR tongues in disgrace with eyes full of tears of hate. 

P***** OFF Disapproving Albino hedgehog says NO.

Rant over. (My grammar rants are never over)

 And now to speak about the Giant Ball of DEATH.
here it is:
Yes...the Sun.
It has been refereed to as my foe...And it will always remain Foe...

Whilst the normal amongst us think:

The majority of the Milky- Bar kids think:
Oh S***
No...Not again...
What do we do...OMG...

bye everyone- I really must go inside.

Friday, 22 June 2012

Perceptions & Goodbyes...

Nearing the end...
(That statement will become clear at the end of the blog ^)

Right..Albinism then I suppose...
The perception of al Albi:
^ There he is again, Invading my blog...Tut Tut...

The reality of an Albi:
^ A picture of me for you all to see...

The reality is...
No red eyes
No Aztec symbols- but we do worship the moon as a God
Just a simple human.

By the way I am actually that colour, that picture has so not been edited...My t-shirts fade into that nice brownish grey- Another Albino trait...
I do have bleach blond hair, alas I've died it for a number of reasons...
Sadly I will continue to dye it- I suppose that's a self conscious thing.

Shocking- I am very self conscious: Probably due to the Albinism...and other things, but I'm not going to go into that- I'd bore myself, and you no doubt.
In a nutshell: Living in a cave wouldn't do me too badly me thinks:
No sun
No people

I'd rock my cave
(Ohhh Pun)

My Cave interior expectation:
(Woo- Cave party)

My Cave interior reality:

(Hmmm, maybe I'll stick to a house...
...Don't want to end up like this guy...
It's ok Gollum, you're a babe.

Referring back to the first line of this post...
I'm at the end of things to Blog about- Turns out there isn't too much depth into Albinism.
PLEAS PLEASE message me with suggestions of things to blog??
^ Approving Melanistic squirrel says Yes- You should message me.

Check previous posts to find out how to message me.
Stalkers :)

Albi- Out. 

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Opposites attract.

"Ebony And Ivory Live Together In Perfect Harmony"
^The relevance of these lyrics will be revealed shortly.

But's a word.
it's meaning:
an increased amount of black or nearly black pigmentation (as of skin, feathers, or hair) of an individual or kind of organism

(Get the relevance of the song lyrics now?)
Approving Melanistic Squirrel says YES.

This is a melanistic lion:
This is an Albino Lion: 

Neither of these large kittens appear to be particularly happy to be on this Blog...*Sigh*

Basically- I must meet a human with Melanism and we must duet ebony and ivory...
*insert above Squirrel here*
Good idea right?
^Hmm..non-albino, non-melanistic tiny creature seems to think so.


Monday, 11 June 2012

Touché Brother... Touché

I have a brother.
His name is Jack
as many brothers and sisters do, we dislike each other.
(By the way he's not albino...he's just Jack)
Occasionally, My dear brother will say something humorous..."A funny" if you will.

His latest humorous exploit came in the form of how he describes my friends and I
He knows us as...
wait for it..
Albi and the Chipmunks.
And odly, we're ok with that.
^Yeah we thought it was pretty funny too...


Sunday, 10 June 2012

Duna nuna nuna nuna nuna nuna nuna nuna Batman...?

Ok, So I wasn't really sure if this was a joke or not...
But a very close friend of mine's little sister asked me a question recently... naturally regarding Albinism
Anyone sensing a pattern here yet? ;)

her question was:
"Do you have powers?"
My internal response:
(F*** she knows?!)

Play it cool Char, nice and cool...
Me: of course I don't...that would be ludicrous...

There...I've said it...I do have superpowers.
I often rip open my favourite jacket to reveal this on my t-shirt:
that's quite good I might get that on a shirt...^
Duna nuna nuna nuna nuna nuna nuna nuna ALLLBIIIII.

Need I even insert the disapproving Albino Hedgehog?
Nope...thought as much.
I don't even know what that s*** is ^
It just seemed appropriate in a kind of..."Trololo, No."


Why I love the internet...

So I've been without the internet for about a week now, but sadly this blog isn't about my traumatic life as a gambling  internet addict....I can stop any time I want.

but, as you may be able to tell, this post will be mainly internet based.
2 words...
Urban Dictionary.
Yes it's funny for typing strange things into and getting sexual innuendoes in return (Not that I do that...)

What I did do on the other hand, is simply type in the world 'Albino' 
and thus, this definition was born: 

A person who lacks tint in thier skin and most likely has bad eyesight. Sometimes heriditary, albinoism causes severe emotional pain, especially when douches like you start making fun of them.
Retard: Hey snow boy, I bet if were were, like, playing hide 'n' seek in the snow, we all would be like- where snow- or something-
Albino: Yeah?
Retard: And you would be like- and-
Albino: What was that?
Retard: -like-
Albino: Kiss my white ass
I may get that Tattoo'd on my face.
What do we think?
Disapproving Albino Hedgehog say No.
Don't be a douche Char.

The hedgehog has spoken. 

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

We want your legs

I bring you today the news of an article on the BBC website which I stumbled accross many moons ago.

Naturally, it's about albinism.
this is the link if you fancy taking a gander at it.
^That's a gander. Take a Gander at the Gander.

I will give you the general gist of it- theiving parts of the story as I do so.
(Please bare in mind this article was posted on the BBC Monday, 21 July 2008 19:15...So the validity of it is unclear)

"Once, albinos used to seek shelter from the sun. Now they have gone into hiding simply to survive, after a series of killings linked to witchcraft."
Seeking shelter from the sun like the nocturnal cretins we are...
Basically, there have been killings- murders if you will. (there's no if you will about it, there has been murders) 
"Every parent nurturing an albino child has good reason to be frightened in today's Tanzania. The stories of youngsters being snatched from their parents' arms or attacked on the way to school are - quite frankly - horrific."
I talk a lot, no kidnappers would like me. 
"Nurturing an albino child"...I just get shouted at...
Again, in simpler terms...
The Albino population in Tanzania are bricking it a smidge, they are being mutilated and having their body parts sold to witchdoctors- because supposidly, we can cure diseases. But this does NOT mean when you have a cold you can rub my face and I will make you all better
I wonder how much I'd get if I was to sell a body part...
(I often see my mum staring at arm..a leg maybe...that'd be enough for a nice holiday somewhere)
Naturally, like an Albi-Deer in the headlights, I say f*** you bro.
Albi-cat say B****** be trippin.

Until the next time kids.
stay safe ;)

The story of my life.

Hello readers

I bring you a quote from a dear friend of mine. 
"I enjoy standing next to you Char, for one: it makes me feel taller, and for two, you make me look really tanned'

It feels nice to do things for those less fortunate.
(As you can imagine, to that statement I pulled my own version of the face of the disapproving albino hedgehog)
as you can also imagine, it wasn't the most pleasant sight to witness.

Moving on.
I walked into a room the other day holding a drink in either hand. one for me and my...charming??? friend mentioned above. she knows whom she is.
in my left hand I held a glass of coke
for this that aren't sure what coke is see below.
(and sort yourselves out)
and in my right hand, I held a glass of...
that's right, you guessed it, a glass of milk.

I couldn't help but think...
these 2 drinks are portraying the story of my life.
in a nutshell of course.

until the next time readers. 
(which I can tell you will be very soon)