
Monday, 16 July 2012

Give me your BLOOD..actually no..don't..not you...

Maybe, Maybe not.

So, I went to give blood...
On Friday the 13th 
You save lives and all that...

Sadly my Albi-blood will save no lives. as they DID NOT TAKE IT.
I spend half an hour sitting in the waiting area (which- by the way..was more depressing than the waiting area at Argos...if such a thing is possible) listening to Magic FM, s******* myself, (if you'll pardon the French) hoping the song Bleeding Love didn't come on.
I think they didn't take it because my blood is this colour: 
They not take that...too PRECIOUS...

Wait, Albino's don't have liquid gold blood????

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Mind the...Step...

Just me???????

I am very attached to the Earth.
When I say 'Earth' I mean the floor in general.
When I say 'I am attached' I mean I fall over a lot.

I'm not sure if this is just me...maybe it's an Albino thing. I TRIP OVER EVERYTHING. 
^ Me.
I trip over my own feet sometimes...who does that.
You know what else I trip on?- Air
AND- I walk into things...then apologise to inanimate objects?

and then..people turn and say 'there's a chair there.'

Maybe it really is an Albi thing...I trip up on curbs a lot, maybe I just don't look where I'm walking.
That brings me onto something else.

This really is al Albi thing I prommise.
Sometimes I don't see cars coming...even when I look both ways..
^ Partially see what I did there ;)

But I just step out anyway, then I remember...

It's nice to recognise one's own stupidity.



vgicyfurgyiobjjj <- One smashing one's head into the keyboard of her laptop out of pure frustration at the British Education system, but primarily at those who fail to take advantage of said system.

Moving swiftly on before this turns into another Grammar rant. 

Firstly: I would like to share some 'rap' lyrics with you that I have slightly tweaked.
If you want to make it Albino related...step far back and try to read it, whilst covering one eye (Go on- pretend to be partially sighted for a bit...I do it all the time.) 

"Now here I bring you a tale explaining how my entire life was rotated and placed in n upside down manor. I would like to take a moment, so please remain seated, I wish to inform you of how I became royalty in an unfamiliar place to me: Bel air.
In the opposite of the state of East Philadelphia, where I was brought up I enjoyed spending most of my leisure time in the local playground where amongst things such as 'relaxing' and 'chilling' I enjoyed playing the occasional game of basketball or 'B-Ball' if you will. When one day I noticed a group of gentleman who were misbehaving and began creating a rucus in my street. I found myself in a minor incident to which my mother did not find herself particularly fond of, therefore she decided twas best for me to vacate my home and take up residence with my Aunt and Uncle in Bel air"
Oh snap.

I think I should take up rap, do we agree?
Let's leave the decision to the Disapproving Albino Hedgehog...

To keep it is a cute picture of an Albi-Creature:


Sunday, 8 July 2012

Army of clones...

Hello All.
It's been a while.
But I'm back relax.

Recently I was conversing with an acquittance of mine whom informed me of a new girl starting in year 7 at my school. A fellow Albino.
I myself- being an albino- am 1 in 10,000
now my school has 2 albinos.
We're very greedy.
Moving on...

Whilst conversing with said acquittance we got onto the topic of Chessington world of adventures- For me it's the closest thing the human race can get to Narnia.
^ We love a bit of Narnia.

My thoughts turned to a section of Chessington that I am fond of:
Love a bit of BeanoLand.

So I couldn't help but think...:
A land full of Albino's and joy.
It'd be brighter than the sun on a hot day.

We must hope it never snows...everyone would be lost...

AlbinoLand...not snow