mentioned previously in the blog.
I get asked questions,
So optimistically, I Googled 'most frequently asked questions on albinism" (as recommended by a friend of mine)
do we think this was a good idea?
Disapproving Albino Hedgehog says no...
So here goes...
1. Is it true that albinos don’t die, they just disappear?
We don't die. we regenerate.
2. When I was young I was told that when you are approaching an albino you have to spit on your chest to turn away albinism curse. Is this true?
*Insert above hedgehog here*
3. Can I sleep or share the same meal with albinos without having myself turning into an albino?
- You only become albino if said albino licks your face
- (So I suppose I owe a few people some apologies)
^ Be careful...very careful...